Mbps Vs MBps Relation – Same or Different ?

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What’s the difference between Mbps and MBps?

Mbps – Megabits per second
MBps – Megabytes per second

Have you ever come across “Mbps” Vs “MBps” and Wondered what is Mbps vs MBps? Both are same or different.

Don’t worry, You’re not the only one. Many people, especially those who are newly joining to the internet are the ones, who always wonders. what is the difference between them & ends up always in confusing terms. Please go through the article. Hope that your confusions & problems will be resolved. Please comment, if you like the article. It helps our team to increase their enthusiasm in providing the accurate details.

As we know these terms are related to Computer. In Technical Language b stands for bit and the B stands for byte.

Both are units of data, with 1 byte is equals to 8 bits.
Relation : 1 byte = 8 bits

1 Megabit denotes 1,024 KiloBits and 1 Megabyte denotes 1,024 KiloBytes.

Mbps – Megabits per second
MBps – Megabytes per second

Both terms are look similar, but Mbps is used to specify Internet connection speeds provided by ISP (Internet Service Provider) or by Network Service Provider (i.e. – Airtel, Vodaphone,), whereas MBps is used to specify how much of a file is downloaded/uploaded per second. Generally we talk about the MBps whenver we talk about the internet speed & also computer shows us the download & upload speeds in terms of MBps.

In short what we get plans of internet is in Mbps while our computer, mobile or laptop shows the download or upload speed in MBps or in data calculations bytes are considered for base KB, MB, TB etc.

Both sounds same but the difference is in their respective speed. I will show you how to calculate the internet & how to use divide by 8 formulae to get the actual internet speed.

Divide by 8 rule

MBps = Mbps / 8

Example :

  • If your internet speed if 40 Mbps then you will be able to get 0.5 MBps speed. Calculation is as below.

MBps = 40 / 8 = 0.5 MBps

  • It means to download a 10 MB file it will take 20 seconds with 0.5MBps speed. Calculation is as below.

Time = 10 / 0.5 = 20 sec

Time = (File size in MB) / MBps

The above calculations are applicable for each & every ISP, who shows their plans in Mbps Format.

Mbps indicates the Internet Speeds

Internet Service Providers promote & advertise their Internet speeds in terms of Mbps the number of bits transferred per second over an Internet connection. Higher Mbps means faster Internet, but there are number of factors that can affect & reduce the Internet speeds that you experience.

Don’t be confused, if you will see two different numbers for one ISP Speed Plan in terms of Mbps. Here, Mbps represents download speed and upload speed ratio. For Example, if an Internet plan advertises Mbps of 60/30 that means you can expect download speeds up to 60 Mbps, and upload speeds up to 30 Mbps.

The higher the Internet Speed, the faster you can download & upload data, text, audio, video or you can have access to your files easily.

MBps indicates amount of file data transferred, per second

In our Computer the file sizes are measured in bytes, not in bits. That’s why, MBps is used to give users a clear idea of how much part of a file is transferred per second.

The Bits to Bytes ratio is, 8 Megabits equals 1 MegaByte.

So, to calculate downloading or uploading speed per second, take your Mbps speed mentioned by ISP and divide by 8. It will give you exact MBps. Divide your file size by your MBps to calculate how long a file will take to download or upload.

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